About the Wonderlands Collection

About the Wonderlands Collection

Spring is my favorite season. 

Apparently, however, it is universally one of people’s least favorite seasons. And I get it: allergies, pollen, lots of rain, March Madness constantly on tv when all you want to watch is Great British Baking… (kidding... sort of). 

But for me, spring means joy and hope. It’s the season of my birthday (yay cake!), of longer days returning, and of flowers finally blooming: pink cherry blossoms, puffy pear trees, daffodils and tulips. It’s the time when trees are that neon green color you only get when their leaves are still fresh and new. It’s warm breezes in the air and fallen petals swirling like a Disney-fied magical snow. 


And it’s color. Sweet, glorious color after a winter of white skies and grey slush and sticks. It’s blue skies and green grasses and pink and purple in the trees. Yellow forsythia and magenta bushes and a rainbow of flowers in the gardens make me feel glad to be alive. 


I wanted to capture that feeling of multicolored optimism and promise that spring gives me in my new landscape collection Wonderlands. Inspired by walking through the gardens of Giverny in April, this collection exudes warmth, hope, and the feeling of wonder.

Wonderlands Landscape Collection, available April 30th. 

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