I was super surprised (and thrilled) when a friend told me she'd seen my art on the cover of the March 2019 issue of HGTV Magazine. I had no idea it was on there!
The work featured is my print "A Room for Flowers 3," which I sell through Artfully Walls (and my own shop). I have always loved the colors in this piece, and I think it's a great choice to grace the cover.
The kind of funny part is that the work shows up again in an article on page 72.
I'm not gonna say that it was staged... but, yeah, I'm pretty sure it was staged. SO funny. I remember Sherry of Young House Love and Chelsea of Style Mutt Home both commenting on Instagram on how much their homes were staged when featured in magazines.
So while my art looks super cute in this bedroom, I think it only made an appearance for the photoshoot and doesn't live there permanently. ;) But that's ok, I'm cool with it.
So grab a copy and check it out! (Also, who doesn't want these pink chairs?!? Loooove.)